Core RE
Introduction to the course
In the Sixth Form at JFK, you will study a Core RE course (coRE) in order to gain a Level 3 qualification accredited by the National Open College Network. Each student that successfully passes the course will receive an NOCN Certificate, which carries with it x8 UCAS points. This is a nationally recognised qualification which demonstrates that you have successfully completed a course in ‘General Religious Education’. The aim of this qualification is to develop the religious literacy of learners. It encourages them to further their knowledge and understanding in the study and practice of religion and enables learners to identify diverse religious beliefs and explore their own position on faith, through thinking about experiences of life and the values of contemporary culture. It also allows them to develop their moral reasoning skills, which they will be able to relate to one or more religious traditions.
Why do we have coRE?
There are a huge number of benefits to the study of this course: It helps to further develop key skills; it provides opportunities for spiritual development; it provides the opportunity to enjoy learning without the stress of it leading to an exam; it has the potential to add a distinctive element to your UCAS application; the accreditation is unique to Catholic schools, making you stand out as a candidate offering more than the standard number of qualifications (we have at JFK recently had a few examples where a student’s NOCN qualification has tipped the balance, securing their university place, when their other results had not been quite enough). Further to this, the study of RE is a legal expectation placed upon all schools. As a Catholic school, this is an expectation which we take seriously and one which you make a commitment to, when you choose Sixth Form at JFK. All Catholic schools will take their responsibility to coRE seriously, but at JFK we have found a way to also ensure that your efforts are recognised with a qualification.
How is it structured and how is it assessed?
To pass the course you need to attend regularly, participate in discussion and group work and complete the written elements of the Course Handbooks. It is a pass/fail course designed in such a way that if you do what is asked with fair effort, you will pass. Attendance is a factor, as it is not just a case of doing the activities; evidence of participation and reflection is also needed. The NOCN moderator comes in every year to review the work we do. We have shared our programme and approach with a number of other schools as it is viewed so positively.
What does the course content look at?
There are three sections to the Yr12 course. These are i) An Introduction to Moral Decision Making, ii) Poverty (The Common Good) and iii) Relationships & Sex. The Yr13 section of the course focuses on one larger topic titled ‘My Values for Living’. Together, these all provide an opportunity to consider a wide range of topics about what shapes us into the people we are, and the individuals we want to be.
The best bit of advice around the coRE course is to get involved - there are some great things to think about - get stuck in! You never know where life takes you, things you study may support you in unexpected ways. If the rest of your VI Form choices are humanities based subjects, coRE will support what you are doing and vice versa. If you are more STEM focused, then an opportunity to develop some different skills and qualifications will be a great benefit. JFK coRE is a great opportunity - we really hope you enjoy it.