Mental Health
Samaritans a charity that provides 24 hour confidential emotional support for those in distress or those feeling suicidal. that are available 24 hours a day to provide confidential emotional support for people who are experiencing feelings of distress, despair or suicidal thoughts.
Chat Health is a confidential text messaging service that allows young people to connect with healthcare professionals for guidance on physical and mental health concerns.
Young Minds is a national charity dedicated to supporting mental health, providing practical advice and resources for both young people and their families. They also offer a Parent Helpline, which can be reached at 0808 802 5544, allowing parents to seek guidance and support regarding their children's mental health concerns.
The Sandbox is a digital mental health hub for children and young people, offering self-help resources, livestream content and access to online therapy options.
The Mix offers comprehensive support for those under 25, addressing issues such as mental health, financial concerns, homelessness, employment, relationships, and substance use, while also connecting young people to helpful organisations.
Heads Together is a charity focused on promoting open conversations and support surrounding mental health issues.
The BBC's Headroom website offers a wealth of resources aimed at assisting individuals who may be experiencing mental health difficulties.
Students Against Depression delivers valuable advice for those experiencing feelings of low mood, stress, or depression.
Mindful is a website aimed at 11 to 17-year-olds, offering guidance on mental health and emotional well-being.
Teens In Crisis is a charity dedicated to enhancing, preserving, and promoting good mental health and well-being among young people and their families.
Anxiety UK links you to a charity website that supports those with anxiety disorders.
Calm Harm is an NHS endorsed app to support reducing the need to self harm, using strategies such as distraction techniques.
Beat Eating Disorders - support for those struggling with eating disorders and support for friends and family.