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Counselling is offered in school by Mrs Cooper. She is a professional counsellor who is accredited with a professional body. Counselling offers a safe and supportive, non-judgemental place to talk. Counsellors are trained to listen and support students. The aim of the sessions is to help students to work things out and look at things differently through listening, exploring how the student is feeling and what is affecting them. 

Counselling can help students cope with anxiety, stress, depression or low mood, family problems, relationships, bullying, anger, problems at school, behavioural problems, bereavement, being a carer, illness, sexuality, self-harm, low self esteem, loneliness, and more. Sometimes they are used to bridge the gap when students are waiting for a CAMHS referral. These sessions are confidential except for any safeguarding concerns. 

Counselling runs on a Tuesday morning. Each session lasts 30 minutes.