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Welcome to the Governors’ section of the JFK website

Here you will find out about the current composition and working of the Board of Governors, its role and how it supports the school on a day-to-day basis. The Board of Governors has been re-constituted in accordance with revised regulations regarding composition.

Our governors are categorised as Foundation governors appointed by the Diocese of Westminster; Parent governors elected from parents/carers of current students; one Local Authority governor; one Staff Governor; one Co-opted governor and the Headteacher.

The Board of Governors should operate at a strategic level, leaving the headteacher and senior leadership team responsible and accountable to it for the operational day-to-day running of the school.

DfE The School Governance Regulations 2013

The Board has three core functions:

  • Setting the vision and strategic direction of the school
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for its educational performance
  • Ensuring financial resources are spent well

The Headteacher is responsible for the educational performance and for the internal organisation, management and control of the school. The Board’s role is to hold the Headteacher to account, assisting in setting aims and objectives, agreeing targets, budgets, policies and priorities and monitoring effectiveness. It also evaluates the school’s performance through results and data, outside agency reports and the School Development Plan. This is done through a number of committees which each meet several times a year, usually once per term. Governors also form a range of panels and appeal panels necessary for disciplinary, exclusion and professional issues such as staff pay and performance appraisal.

Governors are invited to attend major school events, such as Presentation Evenings, the Gym & Dance Display, musical concerts and school productions and there are opportunities to meet the staff at informal social occasions.

The governors are all volunteers who have the best interests of the school at heart who enjoy the school’s successes and progress and work hard to aid improvements. There is a close working relationship between governors and staff but governors take the role of ‘critical friend’ very seriously and challenge the school’s Senior Leaders on issues of performance and effectiveness.

If you would like to contact the governors please write to the school or email the co-Chairs of Governors, Mrs D Gee at or Mrs E Harris at

The ASCAT Governance Structure and related documents are available to view here.

List of Governors
Co-opted Governor Mrs C Belvet
Local Authority Governor Mrs E Harris
Foundation Governor VACANCY
Foundation Governor Mrs N Brandwood
Foundation Governor Mrs D Gee
Foundation Governor Mrs B Quinn
Foundation Governor Mr T Watkins
Foundation Governor Fr Kim Addison
Foundation Governor VACANCY
Parent Governor Mr P Ndayi
Parent Governor Mrs C Cartwright
Parent Governor Miss N Kuczynska
Staff Governor Mr K Reeve
Associate Governor Mr C Fielden
The JFK Governing Body
Co-Chairs Mrs D Gee and Mrs E Harris
Vice Chair n/a
Headteacher Mr P Neves
Clerk Ms E Final

If you would like to contact the Chair of Governors please email or