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Why Choose Us

We are proud to offer:

✓ Excellent Examination Results
✓ Wide Choice of Courses
✓ Fantastic Enrichment and Extra-Curricular Offer
✓ Outstanding Support and Guidance
✓ Excellent Facilities for Learning
✓ Students feel supported and enjoy being at JFK

“Thoughtful leadership continues to improve the sixth form steadily. In particular, the level of support that leaders provide for disadvantaged pupils is specific and has a real impact on improving these pupils’ outcomes,” – OFSTED

“Notable features are teachers’ good subject knowledge and excellent relationships which allow for informed debate to take place in class. ” OFSTED

With over 170 students in our Sixth Form, we are proud to be a good school and aim to be a centre of excellence. Ofsted commented that “Teaching in the sixth form is good and promotes good progress”. They continued with “The range of largely academic subjects offered meets the needs of the students and is enhanced by a wide range of additional activities”. Applications are welcomed from all students including those who are beyond our normal Year 7 entry catchment.

Our school Mission Statement is summarised by three words

Inspire – Achieve – Serve

We inspire our students through engaging teaching combined with a comprehensive programme of enrichment. We believe that creating interest leads to an appetite for learning for life.

We deliver high quality academic teaching in outstanding facilities and achieve excellent results and create a desire for continued learning. We are very proud of our Sixth Form and the outstanding achievements of our students.

To serve through volunteering and leadership are integral to the Sixth Form students daily life. They are the role models for the rest of the school and ambassadors for the school in the wider community.

Excellent Examination Results 2023

The majority of our students successfully progress to Higher Education, taking up their first choice and studying a wide range of courses at universities and colleges across the country, including Oxford and Cambridge.

Name A level grades Destination Course
Rafael A* A* A* Oxford University Biology
Harry A* A* A* A Imperial College, London Mathematics
Karolina A* A* A* University of Warwick Mathematics
Finnuala A* A* A* University of Manchester Neuroscience
Charles A* A* A A Imperial College, London Chemistry
Olivia A* A* A University of Birmingham Geography
Christopher A* A* A Deferred entry (2025 start) Economics
Ned A* A* A University of Nottingham Law
Angelica A A A University College, London Pharmacy
Regine Mae A* A A C University of Manchester Architecture
Hubert A A A C Flight School Pilot training